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Author, Patty Mojta

Patty Mojta is a licensed Social Worker who has been working with children and families for more than 15 years. Since 2007, Patty has been with Prevent Child Abuse New-Jersey in various capacities working on statewide initiatives to prevent adverse childhood experiences. Her positions at PCA-NJ have included the focus areas: early childhood home visitation, child sexual abuse prevention, childhood obesity prevention, substance abuse, mental health, domestic violence, human trafficking, adolescent parenting, ACEs, and several research projects. In 2013, Patty led the creation of Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey’s human trafficking prevention initiative, which involved training thousands of youth workers throughout the state as well as creating a statewide network of prevention educators delivering prevention education directly to youth at high risk for exploitation in New Jersey’s out-of-home care system. Patty has presented on her work at state and national conferences. Prior to her work at PCA-NJ, Patty worked as a Care Manager with families of vulnerable children and teenagers and completed an internship at a shelter for runaway and homeless youth. Patty has both a Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Rutgers University.

Author, Victoria Spera-Ballesteros

For over a decade, Victoria Spera-Ballesteros has been committed to preventing violence and exploitation and promoting youth education as a driver for transformative social change. She joined Prevent Child Abuse – New Jersey’s (PCA-NJ) Human Trafficking Prevention Team in 2017, where she provides education, technical assistance, and program coordination focused on delivering effective prevention education to adolescents throughout New Jersey. She is an experienced trainer with concentrations on domestic minor sex trafficking, adverse childhood experiences, child abuse and neglect, and trauma-informed communities. Victoria holds a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from West Chester University of Pennsylvania as well as a Master's Degree in International Development with a focus on Human Security from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA).

Course Curriculum

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  Prevention Science
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  Primary Prevention
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  Secondary Prevention
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  Tertiary Prevention
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